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09.09.2017 – Queen is one of the iconic rock bands of the 20th century with the legend of Freddie Mercury front and center. The talented Mercury is irreplaceable and one part of what makes Queen, the premier band for its time. Now his story will be told in the big screen and its been a long time to finally headed in the big screen.

Coming to life soon on the big screen is the story of the phenomenal and iconic British rock band Queen in “Bohemian Rhapsody” starring Rami Malek, directed by Bryan Singer and produced by Graham King.

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20th Century Fox/New Regency has just released the first look photo of the movie – Rami Malek takes center stage in the movie as the rock icon, Freddie Mercury.

“Freddie Mercury was larger than life and seeing Rami completely transform into him has only further solidified that he is the perfect choice for this role. Between Bryan’s innovative direction, Rami’s extraordinary talent and the incredible team we’ve assembled, I couldn’t be more excited to see the remarkable story of Freddie Mercury and Queen’s iconic songs coming to life,” shares King.

“Bohemian Rhapsody” is a 20th Century Fox/New Regency film coming to Philippine theatres soon.

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