01.10.2013 – Lionel Andrés Messi or Leo Messi is a famous Argentine footballer who plays as a forward for La Liga club FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Serving as team captain of his cuntry’s national football team Messi has become a master of his sport.
The youngest at 21 to receive the Ballon of d’Or and he receives his fourth consecutive FIFA award a feat no other player in the history of the game has achieved adidas reacted with a purpose-made film congratulating the world’s greatest player. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
The film is an entirely gold-painted animation, featuring a Messi goal from 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012. It celebrates Leo’s four golden years of majestic, thrilling, balletic football.
Richard Swarbrick, the artist entrusted with the challenge, acknowledges, having the chance to paint Messi in gold has been an “absolute joy”, but not without “a few sleepless nights.” He paints every single frame by hand, before using ‘Photoshop’ and ‘After Effects’ to animate.
In the film, adidas wanted to include what they had hoped – and believed - would be Leo receiving his fourth ‘World player of the year’ award. This meant having Richard and a team of “loyal animation assistants” on standby, ready to finish it in record time.
In the film, adidas wanted to include what they had hoped – and believed - would be Leo receiving his fourth ‘World player of the year’ award. This meant having Richard and a team of “loyal animation assistants” on standby, ready to finish it in record time.

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