11.03.2011 – Tessa Prieto-Valdes known as the “Sea Princess” is a part-time interior designer, full-time mom and a lover of life. No other gadget that has changed her life the same way the Samsung Galaxy Tab did. It is a shopping and workout companion as well as a productivity tool. She’s in glee to have a gadget that could keep up with her lifestyle. People call her queen, a “one woman walking couture show,” an artiste among a host of other names that imply flamboyance, great style, and a colorful personality. Tessa Prieto-Valdes is well-known in the Philippine society pages: she is also a triathlete, philanthropist, yoga practitioner, mom, columnist and avid shopper. Her unique sense of style is the reason why she is a staple in every high fashion event and why she still stands out in a sea of beautiful people. “Trends change every year, you may follow them, but at the end of the day it is still your flair and personality that would remain,” she says. Shopping is Tessa’s guilty pleasure. She can buy ten pairs of shoes in a single store and own almost every color and style of clothing. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
To manage it, she uses ClosetVirtual in her Galaxy Tab—literally a database of her own clothes and accessories. “The fun part is updating your directory with every purchase,” she says. The app organizes clothes by category, mixes and matches items, and allows the creation of a profile for each item. It also has a wish list category to avoid doubling up or buying accessories again even if you already have them.
Beyond the layers of fabric, flashy headdresses, and stilettos is a disciplined woman who consistently runs, swims, or bikes at six in the morning. Following the rigorous cardio is an hour of yoga, where Tessa has worked her way up to level five. For her, hard work truly pays off. Tessa has completed the ING New York Marathon last 2010, the Paris Marathon, and most recently, Condura and Ironman at CamSur. While most runners find it hard to dominate both biking and swimming, Tessa can easily finish a 40-kilometer route even by just using a heavy, single speed bicycle.
Before the age of GPS enabled watches, heart rate monitors, and sensors she trained by simply running like a kid—relying on experience and senses to determine the extent of her training. Today she trains with the Samsung Galaxy Tab for tracking mileage, getting encouragement, and documenting progress. Her favorite happens to be the adidas miCoach, which is synced to the MiCoach website for a detailed workout analysis (documenting distance, pace, calories burned, and elapsed time) in outdoor and indoor workout mode. The best part of it is that it has a coaching feedback delivered to the tab.
Tessa is also an ambassador of good taste. Her expertise in interior design is well reflected in her Venetian-style home at North Forbes, from the paintings, carpets, to each piece of brass and stone sculpture, which she has collected from her travels around the globe.
She learned interior design from Notredame and finished architecture in the University of Sto. Tomas, which means that she is as familiar with schematics as with textures and color palettes that bring life to space.
For quick design projects she uses a basic home design app called 3D Interior Room Design, suitable for her tab’s 8.9” display. It lets her create a 3D design; allocate floor area, arrange elements like moldings, rugs, doors, and fireplaces.
Another application, the Home Design 3D, on the other hand lets her choose furniture, adjust the dimensions, and put them in designated places. “I see a lot interesting furniture whenever I go around and travel, but some may not fit specifically into my nooks. So I use the app for a more visual representation of how it would go with the rest of the room.”
Her love for life is one of the most endearing characteristics she inherited from her family. Born and raised a Prieto, she is one of the few people who know contentment. The Philippine Daily Inquirer is their family business that operates with her own personal touch. She writes a weekly column about interesting events like parties, theater productions and film festivals—and like every newspaperman or woman, she has her deadlines and backlogs.
Tessa has transitioned fast from the personal computer, to the laptop, to the tab. Her Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 unit is an indispensible tool that weighs lighter than a hardbound book and fits snugly in her handbag. Using a standard keyboard dock, she types away in the comfort of her home or even in a hotel while on a holiday.
People have followed her largely through the Tessa! Column at PDI. For everyday updates, however, she uses the standard “celebrity” tool, Twitter, and Facebook. In the absence of WiFi, she remains connected via 3G network where PUSH notifications are always enabled.
Tessa Prieto Valdes is life, color, and vivacity personified. The Sea Princess lives the dream everyone desires, but it’s not always the glamour that draws people to her—it is her love for life, people, and experiences; it is about her being who she wants to be and knowing the more important things in life.

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