11.01.2011 – Today is the all souls day and most of the people who are visiting their departed love ones in the province or at the cemetery either in North or South locations. The RX Studios have been quiet for the most part since the office is closed but not the radio programming. We caught up with The RORO Show which is hosted by DJs Rico Robles, Jude Rocha, and latest addition to the core is hot babe Karen Bordador. For this show they don’t have Jude who was on vacation leave and Sel Guevara takes her place for this special episode. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
You listen to them on the radio and think what’s going on behind the scenes. We’re here to share you some images inside the DJ’s booth of Monster Radio RX93.1 and if you ever wonder what’s been happening check out these photos…
The Ride: RORO Show airs on Monster Radio RX93.1 from 10AM to 1PM weekdays with Jude Rocha, Rico Robles and Karen Bordador. Follow them on twitter @RXTheRide or LIKE the RX93.1 Facebook Fan Page for updates and upcoming events.

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