09.14.2011 – The 32nd Manila International Book Fair has been a around and it has become THE convention of “Words Without Borders” to many Filipinos who love reading. The biggest challenge this year for MIBF and you thought digital age has wipe out physical books in the Philippines. Everyone is trooping to this year’s MIBF and it’s quite a phenomenon that we still get to see people buy books in the advent of the iPads, tablets and mobile devices that enable you to download e-books. The crowds come in droves from all parts of the archipelago. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
If you plan to visit the event it just opened today September 14th and it will run through up to September 18, 2011. In-between this event is some launches happening and you can check the complete schedule online at their official website. The entrance fee is PhP 20.00 pesos for those who are unaware and do load up on the budget as some books are on a bargain sale as high as 50-80% percent off in selected items.
For those who plan to go drop and have no idea how the place looks like earlier today check out these photos for you to get the idea…
The 32nd Manila International Book Fair will also have sub-events with “The Best of Anime 2011” and “The 2011 Music Festival Manila” for those into K-Pop/J-Pop enthusiasts. For more details of the entire schedule and events visit the official website at: http://www.manilabookfair.com

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