11.19.2010 - Conan O'Brien has become an institution on his own. Taking over the Tonight Show last year was one of the highlights of his career. Well until he was asked to give it up to the same person who promised him. I guess everyone knows the entire story and for the next eight months or so. Then on November 8, 2010 he was definitely back on-air and in television. In-between those months I have followed his odyssey of zaniest adventures. From touring interstate performing to huge crowds Conan was a sure fire hit. TeamCoco was assembled and was on-hand to give updates where Conan went. Then suddenly TBS signed him up for what would be the return of the come back. Conan was the title of his new show as blurted on his YouTube Channel. There where several antics happened prior to its launch date. This includes some memorable ad campaigns, and one of those where a photo of an owl with him. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Conan was definitely infectious and interactive giving the fans what they want. He was everywhere online giving old chin face Leno a run for his money.
I've been following his career since the time local cable had carried his show. At first he was absird and eccentric, but his humor grows on you. Quite the infectious guy and now Jack TV has him exclusively.
The Emmy Award-winning comedian's show will be aired on Tuesdays at 1PM with a primetime telecast at 11PM daily from Tuesday to Friday on Jack TV. Late night talk shows are alive again now that he's back to be shown here in the Philippines. Of course he won't be alone again as Andy Richter is returning to be his right hand man.
It won't be a Conan show without Andy as he mentioned previously in his video prior to the US airing of his show. Surely its going to be one hilarious night full of laughs and sides splitting hurmor only Conan and Andy bring. Check them out and get the laugh of you life as CONAN is... Very Funny.

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