12.03.2005 - Its been a long three months off waiting, but worth every peso I saved to get a copy of Anansi Boys. This is not just an ordinary copy of Anansi Boys. This is a signed edition from Cody's Books. Its where my fellow Neil Gaiman reader & colleague Ryan Ambrosio went last October to meet the man himself.
Finally its in my hands after that long wait. I already saw a couple of copies of Anansi Boys being sold here, but nothing compares to this one that I got from Ryan. I also got my signed Sandman #50 a few weeks earlier courtesy of Ryan's brother Marc Ambrosio. I haven't fully began to read the book due to Chronicles Of Narnia, but I'll find my time due to my very hectic schedule.
There's even Infinite Crisis comic book mini-series from DC Comics, but I'm already finished with the first issue now I'm looking for the second one.

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