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12.03.2005 - Its been a long three months off waiting, but worth every peso I saved to get a copy of Anansi Boys. This is not just an ordinary copy of Anansi Boys. This is a signed edition from Cody's Books. Its where my fellow Neil Gaiman reader & colleague Ryan Ambrosio went last October to meet the man himself.

Anansi Boys Cody's Books Autograph Edition.

Finally its in my hands after that long wait. I already saw a couple of copies of Anansi Boys being sold here, but nothing compares to this one that I got from Ryan. I also got my signed Sandman #50 a few weeks earlier courtesy of Ryan's brother Marc Ambrosio. I haven't fully began to read the book due to Chronicles Of Narnia, but I'll find my time due to my very hectic schedule.

The signature of The Man.

There's even Infinite Crisis comic book mini-series from DC Comics, but I'm already finished with the first issue now I'm looking for the second one.

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