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10.11.2017 – For those who haven’t travelled to South Australia in the heart of it is Adelaide a city of diverse culture and known as a festival state.

Every month there’s unique happenings and this is all year round, but if you’re more of exploring this place you’ll discover something lively about this city.

Most tourists would go to scenic places, the beaches and wine vineyards. But for those who just want to appreciate art in simplest form there are places to see in the back alleys of this fine city and you’ll discover why…

(Please CLICK on the title for the full article)

Adelaide is a small city if you compared it to other cities in the world like Makati’s Central Business District its smaller. There are a few tall buildings that you’ll notice that Wespac and the Telstra are the ones visible in the area. It’s not as crowded as you think, but when it’s Friday that’s you’ll see a lot of people.

But if you’re not the type to go around and drink in the pub or party with a huge crowd there are places to explorer particularly the ever growing graffiti culture in Adelaide. When you talk about street art, Melbourne may be the king, but there’s something simple but vibrant about the graffiti scene in South Australia.

Within the city in the past two days images of art shared here is just a scratch of its colorful surface. There are more street art that you can find within Adelaide and scattered all over South Australia. From “Where’s Waldo” to colorful Furby’s lurk every nook and cranny of this city you’ll discover its placement may appear random, but it looks great for the tourist who enjoy exploring this place.

The graffiti itself is a showcase when you pass by an alley or down the street. If you are particular with the place you’ll never get lost as they can also help you familiarize the area. Their talented artist certainly brightens the dark corners of this city and their works elevate the perspective how lively Adelaide has become.

So whenever you’re in town or just passing by try exploring the street art scene in Adelaide or nearby areas in South Australia you’ll never know what you’ll discover and don’t forget to share them in your social media it’s a graffiti life alright.

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