His music was ever evolving and was not afraid to experiment up to his most recent project the very last one and the gift to his loyal true fans was “Black Star.” He worked his way like a lion as mentioned by one of his colleagues who say him in the last month of his life.
“Black Star” was released January 8th but the music video for its first song was already out since November 2015. Seeing it with a fresh set of eyes after the announcement of his passing showed that it was haunting at the same time gives you another reason why this was a parting gift to his fans.
But going back to his earlier career what first made me appreciate his work was with the collaboration between the former Farrokh Bulsara better known the world as Freddie Mercury, the lead vocalist for Queen. The duo would work a song collaboration that would give birth to “Under Pressure.”
The back story of this collaboration began the summer of 1981 when Queen was recording tracks for their tenth studio album, “Hot Sauce”, a t Mountain Studios in Montreux, Switzerland. During that time David Bowie had scheduled time at the same studio to record the title song for the movie Cat People. Before long, Bowie stopped by the Queen Sessions and joined in.
Bowie was there only originally to add back up vocals on the song “Cool Cat.” As narrated by Queen’s drummer Roger Taylor in Mark Blake’s book (Is This the Real Life? The Untold Story of Freddie Mercury and Queen); “David came in one night and we were playing other people’s songs for fun, just jamming, and in the end, David said, ‘This is stupid, why don’t we just write one?'”
This was a marathon of ideas done by passionate artists probably today no one could surpass greatness about David Bowie and Queen. More of the story was featured how “Under Pressure” came about on Open Culture. But the haunting A-Capella featuring the vocals of David Bowie and Freddie Mercury singing “Under Pressure” gives you the reason why these gentlemen are irreplaceable unique talents that made them rock legends that can’t be replicated.
David Bowie and Freddie Mercury will probably have that long awaited reunion in the afterlife, but certainly "this is our last dance" on Earth will never be forgotten.

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