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05.17.2013 – The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald has been translated to film so many times as far back in 1926. The most popular one was from 1974 that stars a young Robert Redford. The 2013 version certainly has something new to offer that claims to take the “Jazz Age” in a better perspective as any of the previous films.

Baz Luhrmann certainly has something to add to the legend of the novel that was published in 1925. Though that era has been different to our generation certainly the socialism doesn’t change over time.

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How great is Gatsby? There are a few things that catch the eye and know that it’s not really what you are seeing. Of course the film was entirely filmed in Australia at the Fox soundstage and you thought it was in New York.

The quality of work certainly pays off in this film visually you thought everything is real but it definitely made you believe it. Being transported to this era doesn’t change how people act and think. The transparencies and the people thought you knew would be the ones you fully trust. And at the heart of that trust is a man named Jay Gatsby a self-proclaimed legend on his right.

It has a lot of twist and turns like driving his custom yellow car as any “old sport” would gratify to believe having a millionaire as your neighbor won’t bring you friends like Gatsby and yet you wonder how the story will go down.

It’s like a beat down roller coaster ride that still has something for you to get thrilled about where everything seems nostalgic and yet you won’t get to feel the air or the taste of that profound era.

Everything WAS big back in that times where some women are called “flappers” and we call them modern kids “hipsters.” The soundtrack of this film has Jay-Z all over it as he is the executive-producer of the film score with the Bullitts. So expect his type of music to make The Great Gatsby come alive.

New York for its time in that era was getting through the industrial times as the details of the city and the construction yards definitely make you wonder how poverty rate was hitting into those times compare to now.

The parties, drinking and music come alive as much as Baz would direct its visually stunning would-be masterpiece. Though some are over the top it still keeps rolling in the same track without losing its consistency. It would be just fine to see its greatness in a standard format rather have it doused with too much 3D.

The Great Gatsby certainly has taken everyone to that particular era with great vibe and the drama that unfolds in your 3D glasses. But like in any film it has its own imperfections that deserve to be given a chance.

It opens today May 17, 2013 in 3D cinemas nationwide in the Philippines from Warner Bros. Picture Studios!

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