02.01.2013 – Hitchcock’s life is like imitating art to the highest standard that inspired and paved way to other directors who grew up seeing his masterpieces which made him a cultural icon. He has this innovative way in telling stories about fear, anxiety, and empathy that made him known for this genre.
The biological film tells the story how Psycho was being made in-between that is his personal life and how everything took off though not exactly as what you expect but for the experts surely you all know how this came along just right which stars Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins as Hitchcock. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Anthony Hopkins reiterated in in the previous press releases that he does not want to be “Hitchcock” he is just portraying the acclaimed film director adding his own ingredients to the character for the role.

The premise delves mostly behind the scenes between his relationships with his wife Alma Reville and making the film Psycho. This also stars Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Biel, Toni Collette, and Ralph Macchio. The opening scene has the signature music that usual Hitchcock films are presented and of course you got Anthony Hopkins as the great director making the introduction of the film.
Further that it’s up to you to check out and see the film’s artistic value which was released under the Fox Searchlight. Clearly Hopkins gave life to the well-loved director that made 50 films in six decades and we’re still talking about his being the master of suspense.

Entirely the film is not that long but has this level of witty-ness that seemed enjoyable to watch having Mirren cast as Alma Reville was just right beside Anthony Hopkins’ Hitchcock the definitely clicked with the audience where every cheered for its charms. It’s the type of movie that you don’t see often dominated by blockbuster material since it was shown last year in limited theaters.
It gave everyone something to enjoy about the great director in Hitchcock seeing his personal life unravel in the big screen knowing he’s just like everyone in the same room but with his unique ways in telling you his story.
Comparing it to previous material about the lives of the Hitchcock’s would diminish the value of this film and sometimes it hard to make that comparison. But for those who really enjoyed it no matter what the critics say it is a film worth seeing as being nominated for the Academy Awards. It has garnered previous award giving bodies that includes Best Actress for Helen Mirren for the Golden Globe Awards.

Definitely one of the must-see films exclusively in all Ayala Malls Cinemas in the Philippines. If you want to see something less traditional and unique this might be the movie.
Overall it has a unique way for director Sacha Gervasi putting this film that grows on you and it’s hard to ignore Alfred Hitchcock the more recognized man of the hour not given the chance to reveal his life. At the same time see how Psycho happened and it did give us quite a scare alright.
Catch “Hitchcock” from Fox Searchlight shown on February 6, 2013 to be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures exclusively at Glorietta 4, Greenbelt 3, Trinoma, Alabang Town Center, Market! Market!, Ayala Center Cebu, Marquee (Central Luzon), Abreeza (Davao), Harbor Point (Subic) and Centrio (Cagayan de Oro).

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