01.01.2011 – The start of the New Year for 2012 was slow but gradually building up for next few days as everyone is on “vacation mode.” The Makati Business District was quick enough to clean up after the fireworks and the hoopla in welcoming the New Year. The streets last night was closed up for the huge festivities. In some parts of Metro Manila some have their own way of celebrating with such grandiose spectacle. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Overall it was all the same it’s just how they represent its extravagant light shows and fireworks.
Today on New Year’s Day we check out some scenes of the aftermath. Some establishments opened late which were calmer compared to last year.
The fireworks are not as loud as previous New Years since high exploding fireworks are not confirmed illegal that caused a lot of accidents. It was a quiet Sunday after the countdowns and all captured in these few photos…
Photos captured using the HTC Glacier uisng its 5MP camera as the images a lot less high quality as we continue the testing of it capabilities.

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