10.06.2011 – The Watson’s branch in SM Shoemart Makati was all decked up with white and orange as the day started extraordinary. The people who came in and out of the mall were curious what the occasion for today is. It turns out there’s a new product that was going to be unveiled. This was a surprise unexpected to happen but for anyone who tries any beauty products this was not a complete shock. Imagine if your skin can be whiter and remain that way too for weeks, even years? The complete combination would be a marriage of both elements that would change the way we use the conventional beauty products. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Ms. Aiza Diuco-Soriano, President and CEO of Age Defying Solutions Philippines, Corporation (ADSPHIL) had faced with the question when her aunt of hers asked why all the existing papaya-based skin whitening products could not retain the whiteness she had gained after using these products. There was a discussion about coming up with a combination of the whitening properties and the ability of glutathione to retain the whiteness for a period of time.
Then GLUPA was the solution that came upon that discussion which would change the way millions of Filipinos here and abroad will benefit from. The well-researched breakthrough product would become Soriano’s brainchild. GLUPA combines the skin properties of papaya with longer-staying power glutathione to keep skin perpetually, even when exposed to the harsh sun rays.
The event was hosted by Jessica Mendoza the one-half of the Top 5 at 5 show aired Magic 89.9 FM. She introduced the people behind GLUPA and the primary personalities that started the program.
Boy Abunda the well known TV personality and new brand ambassador for the product declined becoming the image endorser. He admitted that they can get beauty queens like Venus Raj or Shamcey Supsup for this. But countless discussions with Aiza Diuco-Soriano had changed his perspective and tried the product. He became an advocate for not only beauty product but for its health benefits.
“GLUPA is a product of many years of research and testing – based on the real experiences of women such as its creator Ms. Aiza Diuco-Soriano, and those who have had problems keeping their skin white after using countless skin-whitening products made from papaya,” said Abunda. “And I don’t endorse anything without personal experience using them. This is my verdict: GLUPA is the most effective one I’ve used so far. So you should try it as well.”
After the live discussion between Boy Abunda, Ms. Aiza Diuco-Soriano and Dra Rivera M.D. they had a ceremonial toast to the success in welcoming GLUPA as one of the products available at Wastson’s.
“We believe in the whitening and moisturizing properties of GLUPA,” said Watsons COO, Mr Robert Sun. “We foresee that this partnership with Age-Defying Solutions, the manufacturer and marketer of GLUPA in the country, and Watsons will only be the start of a long and equally successful business relationship.”
GLUPA is available at all Watsons 250 stores and other popular retail store chains nationwide.

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