08.25.2011 – GET UP is GOLDEN ABC's (GABC) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) platform. Recently they had a launch that was presented by 2009 CNN Hero Elfren Pena Florida who supports this advocacy. GET-UP supports education, community building, environment, and Arts & Culture. Partner institutions may differ yearly but all are evaluated to fit the CSR thrust and corporate values of GABC. In celebration of its 25th year, GOLDEN ABC is encouraging customers to raising awareness through various advocacies which the company supports. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Taking the next level further, GABC through its brands: Penshoppe, Oxygen, ForMe, Memo, and Regatta, is giving a chance for its consumers to donate to any of these advocacies and their corresponding partner institutions.
For every minimum single purchase worth of PhP 1,000.00 pesos a small amount of PhP 25.00 pesos will be donated to a GABC advocacy of their choice.
GOLDEN ABC various supported organizations and foundations in over two decades. As the company grows into the fashion retail giant that it is today, it is now able to support more causes and help out in different aspects of the community.
GABC has four advocacies it supports which have to do with Education, Environment, Community building and Arts & Culture. For more detailed information of the four advocacies GABC gives us the definition for each:
Get Up for Education
The company has always believed that it is important to develop a new generation of leaders that will lead society to a brighter tomorrow. This will be difficult to do when access to the most basic right to education is limited, or at worst, non-existent. GABC partners with organizations that work at making sure that this does not happen anymore.
Get Up for the Environment
We all live under the same canopy of stars and clouds. We all breathe the same air. We are all nourished by the same source of nature. Earth is our only home, and it is everyone's mission to take good care of it. It is GABC's mission to do its part.
Get Up for Community Building
GABC understands that its community goes beyond the walls of its offices and stores. We are part of a bigger community that relies on each other to create a society that we can all be proud to live in. Our interdependence dictates our responsibility to take care of each other as much as the community has allowed us to flourish in our business these many years. GABC partners with organizations that help uplift human dignity and equip them to be productive members of the community.
Get Up for Arts and Culture
Over the years, GABC has been blessed to have a team of individuals with a pioneering spirit who have complemented the visionary leadership of its management group. We believe that innovation is a major key to any success; and that creativity is what fuels innovation. Creativity creates new jobs, new ideas, new opportunities. Creativity enriches lives, but it cannot be taught; however, it can be nurtured and cultivated through exposure to arts & culture.
They have partnered with well known organizations that would help promote these advocacies.
Dynamic Teen Company is one of the major partners which was represented by Efren Penaflorida the founder of this institution. He had a talk about his support for GABC's plans to help the community.
Children's Hour is the other non-profit fund-raising and grant-giving organization. They raise funds mainly by asking individuals and companies to donate at least one hour of their earning once a year.
Aklat, Gabay, Aruga Tungo sa Pag-Angat at Pag-Asa has twin goals to achieve on enhancing the public school's resources for supporting literacy development and for providing a basic early childhood care and development service for 5 years old through the preschool program as well as addressing caregivers and teacher's needs.
WWF Philippines implements conservation and development projects in 11 provinces and at least 28 towns. On a nationwide scale, WWF advocates for appropriate environmental policies, engage corporations for sustainable business and conducts environmental education activities in Metro Manila and other key cities and towns.
Habitat For Humanity Philippines is a non-profit Christian ministry working to help build responsible and self-reliant communities by enabling Filipino families in need to acquire affordable, decent, and duranble homes. Established in 1988, HFHP envisions a world where everyone had a decent place to live.
Gawad Kalinga brings the vision in building communities, empowered by people with faith and patriotism; driven by a culture of caring and sharing, dedicated to eradicate poverty and restore human dignity. Its missin is to end poverty to 5 million poor families by 2024, Land for the Landless, Homes for the Homeless, and Food for the Hungry.
Museo Pambata is a children's interactive museum, the first of its kind in the Philippines. In Museo Pambata, children can use their total senses and learn various concepts at their own pace. It excites the minds of the young, inspires them to learn more, and most importantly revitalizes what child learning should be - fun and exciting!

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