02.19.2011 - Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah is vack with a vengeance! Nearly five years ago I saw its original run with a stellar cast of talented actors led by Ms. Eula Valdez as the red haired heroine. Its like going back and seeing it on replay, but this time around the production is larger than life. Huseng Batute was quaint to accomodate a huge crowd, that has followed this awesome play based from the comic book by Carlo Vergara. This time around I see new faces in the cast, but nothing has changed as the the reception was a resounding postive. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
I never thought about seeing this play again special acknowledgements to Carl Valenzona of The Web Magazine and Spit Manila for extending the invitation. All I can say is two thumbs up seeing this once again. Stellar performance from Ms. Pinky Amador as the villainess Queen Femina, and the scene stealer in Gabe Mercado as Ada's close friend/side kick in Didi.
The only minor thing that bothered me is the sound from Eula's mouthpiece, since this is a bigger venue they would probably resolve that issue. The Zsa Zsa Zaturnna Ze Muzikal will run from February 18 to March 13, 2011 at the CCP Little Theater (also known as Tanghalan Aurelio V. Tolentino).
If you are curious to see what happend at last night's performance here's some preview images from the opening night...
For more details where to purchase the tickets check out Jam Mayer - Flores for further details and seat map as the play is sure seating. For tickets to the February 25, 8PM performance, please go to the SPIT MANILA group page on facebook!
Carlo Vergara will be releasing a limited printed edition of the first 26 comics page of the sequel Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah Sa Kalkhang Maynila for those, who would have purchased tickets for the February 26, 2011 play date.

for tickets to the FEB 25, 8PM performance, please go to the SPIT MANILA group page on facebook!
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