02.20.2011 - Art In The Park was a busy Saturday that began early in the afternoon. Many people from all walks of life, who has a true appreciation to art either its serious, contemporary, nude or popular culture had trooped to the Jaime C. Velsaquez park in Salcedo Village. There was music being played by a live band, and familiar faces from different facets of the art community was present to celebrate this yearly event. Art In The Park on its fifth year happens only at Jaime C. Velasquez park, which you may call it a mixed cultural festival dedicated to art. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Lopez Museum was one of the participants who had a small display, which also includes the toys, that was made during the work shop. The previous toy making/customizing work shop conducted by members of Pilipinas Street Plan.
Jomike Tejido well known in the local art community had a booth displaying all his works from painting to his books made for kids. Vinyl on Vinyl also had their stuff up for sale and Gaby Dela Merced was gracious to invite us to drop by their shop at The Collective whenever we can. They had displays of the small version Manny Pacquiao vinyl figure by Mind Style. As well as other artful vinyl figures from Dunny and Kid Robot respectively.
If you missed what happened yesterday check out these collection of images taken during the afternoon and at night when we got to catch the closing of the event...
The festivities did not end exactly by 10PM due to a huge crowd still in the park browsing some art works here and there. I got to do Toy Photography near the playground, where the kids play with lots of screams that can't be ignored.
Overall it was a great evening to end the Saturday night, and hopefully we'll see more Art In The Park next year!

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