01.23.2011 - Just recently came from the Press Media screening of the live action Yogi Bear movie, which stars Dan Aykroyd as Yogi and Justin Timberlake as the impressive sidekick Boo Boo. The mischievous bears where at the event to greet kids and the kid at heart, namely adults who had the opportunity to have photos with the mascots. Thanks to Warner Bros. Picture Philippines for bringing this movie for the whole family on a Sunday. They have provided food catering with free cotton candy and fries for the little ones. It was a festive day to end all weekends, and it was something for the family to see altogether. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Could have said it than anyone but surely met the bears like being in Jellystone Park, and for those who missed out th experience check out the photos here...
Yogi Bear distributed by Warner Bros. Picture Philippines. The movie opens in 3D cinemas on January 26, 2011.

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