10.22.2010 - This November 28, 2010 McDonald's in cooperation with Bright Minds Read (BMR) is calling all families, friends and running enthusiasts! Its time to run, have fun and help thousands of kids learn how to read as McDonald's celebrates McHappy with a Fun Run at the Venice Piazza Hill in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. For only PhP 350.00 pesos ($7.00 US) per individual or at a discounted rate of PhP 1,250.00 pesos ($25.00 US) for a group of four runners, participants can run the race of theur choice- 3K (individual and family category), 5K, 10K or the 500 meter dash for kids 7 years old and below. To qualify for the family category in the 3K distance, the group/family should be composed of 2 Adults regardless of gender and two Kids 12 years and below. The fun run will also feature games, prizes and other exciting surprises for the whole family to enjoy. The McHappy Day Fun Run is a special run that aims to raise P1 million for the benefit of the Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), the charity of choice of McDonald’s and its banner program, Bright Minds Read (BMR). (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Bright Minds Read is a program in partnership with the Department of Education that provides reading toolkits to different public schools all over the country to help grade 1 students learn beginning reading. To date, over 2,600 public schools nationwide are under the BMR program.
So get on your feet, put on those running shoes and lend a helping hand for a good cause. Registration for the McHappy Day Fun Run is from October 15 to November 21 at selected McDonald’s stores in Metro Manila or you can visit www.mcdonalds.com.ph for more details and updates.

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