06.16.2010 - E3 2010 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) live broadcast with Nintendo keynote, which featured new games for the Wii like the new Zelda, Mario Kart, and among mentioned. The unveiling of the new product was held at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles California. What caught my attention during the launch is the new Nintendo 3DS hand-held system, which is a breakthrough in technology with 3D without the use of 3D glasses. The Nintendo 3DS was announced early March of this year, but the official debut at E3 2010 made it more exciting as they explained its features... (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Nintendo 3DS precedes the DSi portable console with similar size of the Nintendo DS with improvements combining the DSi's camera, and making the screen 3D without wearing 3D glasses. A development conceived by Shigeru Miyamoto the game developer, who has been the man behind Mario and famous Nintendo characters.
The new Nintendo 3DS has new controls namely the slider pad, which is similar to PlayStation Portable's analog controller. It also has motion and gyro sensors. Just like the DSi it include not one but two cameras, that can take digital picture in 3D.
Satoru Iwata presented the Nintendo 3DS giving us a preview on what's to come out namely the new Kid Icarus as it first game.
Now that Nintendo 3DS is revealed they also mentioned, that it will allow you to watch movies from Disney (with Tangled>, Warner Bros. (with Legends of the Guardian), and DreamWorks (with How to train a Dragon). A few movies that will be available for you to view with your Nintendo 3DS.
When you talk about connectivity the Nintendo 3DS works differently. The hardware itself has auto communication. It has wi-fi connectivity and it can function without having to do or needs to be near any access with wi-fi.
Nintendo also revealed game developers who will take advantage of producing games for the 3DS aside from its new Nintendogs & Cats. There will be 3rd part game developers who will be on the list to bring games for the 3DS. Namely Activision, Level 5 Inc., Square Enix, Capcom with Resident Evil, Ubisoft, and the most notable was Konami with its Metal Gear Solid series.
Hideo Kojima the game developer behind the Metal Gear Solid series was in awe about the Nintendo 3DS and its technology. Imagine Metal Gear Solid games on 3D without glasses, that must be something to see in the future.
Mr. Iwata also mentioned that games developed for the Nintendo 3DS will be in collaboration with Project Sora to bring you these awesome games.

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