11.02.2008 - Few can test the tide of times. But for the Eraserheads after breaking up in 2003 the hype never stops. Countless fans who grew up listening to there music will always and forever be a fan.
On August 30th, 2008 that day came and finally had the chance to reconnect with the past, through the music of the Eraserheads in that short but brief reunion concert. Now immortalized in the Eraserheads: The Reunion CD that was released by Sony BMG yesterday at all Odyssey stores. Word got out that they have released fifty albums per branch, and seemed like the Eheads never broke up after so many years.
You couldn't have asked for more by just listening to the album it immediately transports you back to that night, where everyone was shouting "group hug! and screams of appreciation.
This ones for the history books and we can't say it ends only in the audio recordings. Let's hope they release the DVD edition.

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