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Aug 10, 2006

Drool Over Playboy.

08.10.2006 - My computer's been down for the past week, and its because my hardrive wont work for me. Well the past few days aren't that worst just not good. I guess there's things to be said about reading too much or not read at all. So two days a go a balikbayan box came and guess what the box had in it? Not only that I have an HP flatbed scanner I got something for me to keep me company to keep my head from worrying about that sorry old computer.

Something about this magazines?

Remember last year when I got my very first Playboy? Where my friend Azrael went bunny rabbits over Bai Ling's Star Wars inspired cover? Well the magazine that came last year has reinforcements. Currently I haven't began to read just browse the pages of a few. My favorite so far is Miss Noember half Filipino-Itallian girl, and I'm not going to spill anymore details. I know a stack of these are sitting right now beside my bed. So drool over Playboy.

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