05.03.2006 - I've been quite busy these past week with work and other related stuff. Thanks to Azrael, Lace, and JoeShred for the adventure at Golden Sunset. This month of May is quite fairly special with stuff I've been reading, and listening into lately. First off pick up a back issue copy of Wired Magazine a January 2006 cover, where 50 best robots where featured. Including a certain Transformer named Optimus Prime, who ranked number thirty four out of fifty `bots. I also picked up a copy of our local mag FHM featuring ZsaZsa Zaturnnah herself. Yup! Its Miss Eula Valdez on the cover folks read `em and drool `em.
What more surprising fact if the summer heat is really getting into me. Last month I introduced to you the latest "IT" Girl to hit the music scene in the form of Sitti with her debut album Cafe Bossa, and she's definitely a scorcher re-introducing the music of Bossa Nova in portugese translated as new beat to hit the local scene.
I myself can attest that she has brought back Bossa Nova to the local music scene, and we heard news that some record companies where trying to look for that similar kind of artist. Unfortunately she's the only one right now. I guess my new found friend is happy with glee, that the album is selling like hotcakes especially this summer. I can't get enough Bossa Nova and picked up Sergio Mendes Ultimate Collection from 3 Decades of Music. Some of the original songs where revived by Sitti. Of course I'm also listening to the old JPOP music thanks to my dad for the Dreams Come True: Soul Greatest Hits and L`Arc~en~Ciel AWAKE albums.

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