02.26.2006 - Core of Soul Asia Tour 2006 rocked last night at the Shang with local Filipino artists such as Hale, Barbie Almalbis, and Kitchie Nadal. Not to forget Core of Soul a new J-Pop group compose of Fukko, Keisuke Lizuka, and Song Rui. Its been a long time to hear another japanese band like Core of Soul. This time around I got the chance to see them live, and I haven't heard there material up until last night.
The event started at exactly 9pm with the perfomance by Barbie Almalbis, and then Kitchie Nadal was next. Core of Soul followed, where some of the people in the area was not familiar with there music. Anime and J-Pop fans where there for the support including some of my colleagues from WAA! (a local anime/jpop group) with Ronald "RG" Guanzon who got there earlier for the press conference.
The band has vaguely familiar set-up, which I heard from way back in the form of Dreams Come True. Fukko the lead vocalist reminds me of the famous Yoshida Miwa. Followed by Hale and after there perfomance the people around thought it was over. Well until the four artists who performed came back, and sang All You Need Is Love by the Beatles. The event was organized by JAPAN FOUNDATION, MANILA and Shangri-La Plaza in celebration of Philippines-Japan Friendship's 50th Anniversary alsponsored by Tower Records. More photo coverage will be posted soon courtesy of Ronald "RG" Guanzon of WAA!

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