01.28.2013 – Man with the Iron Fists was inspired but a lot of martial arts movies and RZA who plays the Blacksmith is the lead character. The film’s development began almost eight years ago who co-produced with Eli Roth that you might have sharp eyes to see his only cameo appearance.
The movie already made its debut in North America on November 2, 2012 which was produced with a $20 million dollar budget which stars Russell Crowe, Cung Le, Lucy Liu, Byron Mann, RZA, Rick Yune, David Bautista, and Jamie Chung. In the Philippines this film is R-18 rated with scenes of heavy violence to the point an eyeball will fly off your scree if this was in 3D. (Please CLICK on the title for the full article) |
Set in the 19th century the narration doesn’t sound as if you’re watching that particular era as RZA himself tells the story about the Blacksmith.
Written, directed, plus add the soundtrack by RZA that breaks the tradition and this is more than just your high kicking movie. Previous critics could have shot this down without giving it a further appreciation on its martial arts.
There are some dragging scenes that show some acting prowess by the cast but what this movie fails for the entirety of the story is the martial arts. As RZA being a fan has inspired this film heavily with the iconic movies that he has seen. It was shot entirely in China back in 2010 including cities like Shanghai and Hengdian World Studios as making the set more believable.

The cinematography making the visuals interesting as possible but some doesn’t make sense that loses a bit of the focus until the Blacksmith’s story gets interesting toward the nearing climax. Russell Crowe’s character was interesting that it has layers of Jack Knife is remains to be unknown until they zoomed in to the Blacksmith.
There are humor and we leave the heavy violence to be part of that context not that there’s always someone having his inner hide getting sprawled on the floor.
For all of its grandeur it takes you back to the old martial arts films from the 1970s at the height of Bruce Lee’s popularity that opened martial arts films to the west that it’s still being an inspiration today. But for all its allure with the pretty young things at Madam Lucy Liu’s whore house the film carries its campiness like a badge down to a “T.”

There was a lot of confusion in the beginning on who’s who and what’s interesting about Jungle City that has clans of the lion, wolf, hyena, and even includes a rat. Towards the main climatic scene reveals who’s up on the stage to take the battle in the final round but then again if you’re looking only for action this might be entertaining to see just close your eyes if you can’t have a chop head rolling on the floor as things gets dirty from start to finish.
The Man with the Iron Fists is a bloody good that reminds us of the old martial arts films that we get to see in rundown cinemas. But this one is too shiny that has enough shine in Dave Batista’s Brass Body which deserves your attention.
A remind to please leaves the kids at home as this is not suitable for younger audience. The movie opens in Philippine cinemas on January 30, 2013 from Universal Studios to be distributed by Solar Entertainment Corp.

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