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11.17.2009 - Every time you take your daily cup of coffee, have you ever wonder the story behind it? For every Starbucks cappuccino you consume have you thought about where it came from? Everyday millions of coffee drinkers consume more than one cup of coffee a day.

Now it depends on each individual how they take their cup of joe. There are some consumes more than the average two-three cups of coffee. They say coffee is a healthy drink, but have you ever explored the wonders of its origins and how they make one?

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The Philippine Coffee Board has all the answers to where are our coffee came from, and how Espresso was made. Fresh from last month's Coffee Month they gave us the story behind our daily dosage of caffeine.

You can also learn about coffee and its business potential at Philippine Coffee Board. For those who plan to start their own coffee shops the Philippine Coffee Board encourages you to attend their Coffee 101 and Barista 101 seminars. They will give you the history and finer points about starting your own business.

Its a learning experience finding about the history of coffee in the Philippines. How we can start our own business, but also help the environment and find out its health benefits. The seminar starts with the basic knowledge about the world’s most popular beverage. Conducted by Chit Juan, Coffee advocate and Philippine Coffee Board Co-Chair.

She will walk you through beginnings how coffee is being harvested to the part how you can personally brew your own coffee.

This is no rocket science, but it will surely make you appreciate how coffee is made. Our fellow farmers all over the country work so hard to give us the best coffee in country. This is why Philippine Coffee Board not only promotes, but also advocates and encourage others to bring our own brand of coffee to the world.

If you want to learn not only the beginnings of coffee through their Coffee 101 seminar and its business potential. You can also get a crash course on how to brew your very own coffee through their Barista 101 seminar.

For further details about the Philippine Coffee Board:

Buy Philippine Coffee from the Philippine Coffee Board with their wide variety of Philippine Coffee Products, that will suit your coffee needs. They also feature the seminars & workshops for you to get your coffee brewing.

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