08.13.2009 - Arrived at Budget Terminal at the Changi International Airport, but wireless connection was very poor. It was like going on panic mode. Since its my first time to travel alone this was almost surreal. Though I arrived at exacly 9:40AM I was stuck for most of my hours like a scene from the move The Terminal. I took the T2 Bus (Terminal 2 Bus) which was the direction advised by someone from information counter to take if I'm going to avail myself of the Singapore tourist Pass. Eventually it was the most difficult part for me since the bus dropped me off at the basement of the airport. Too many signs and lots of numbers to memorize to take bring you to the city. When I already find out to get upstairs of the terminal 2 airport like I was in some science fiction movie. There was a very long hallway then going up the escalator. |
When I got there I went immediately to the Singapore Tourism booth getting the information to a clerk named Hammadah. I got several maps and guide to the country at the Budget Terminal and all of them are FREE.
After getting my internet access to the airport went running to McDonald's and had a Wasabi Fish-O-Fillet Meal. I made a phone call to a friend based here and then paid for my shuttle service to bring me to my hotel. I just had to kill sometime to record this video blog.

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