02.26.2007 - Sofia does it again. This year she returns and performs at SM Megamall's Atrium. The year 2007 marks Sofia back on promoting not only her first album. The widely popular Sofia: Bossa Latino Lite, but promoting her second album In Love with Nova Bossa. Actually I stumbled in going to this event without any knowledge of what's really happening.
During the previous months Sofia was still being introduced to the public. Unlike any bossanova artists who came before her she takes the music's popularity one at a time. Her events are difficult to follow because she's neither too exposed or has less gigs. Its a balance for the reason why more people are starting to enjoy her music. She's simple and definitely will have a bright future ahead.
Sofia will be around longer than anyone would thought just being in the background in the bosaa nova scene. Talented as always as more performances follows she enhances. Now she dances offering her fans to learn her moves. Special thanks to Mrs. MG Mozo and the people behind Ivory Records. See more Sofia coverage at the Atrium at SM Megamall HERE.

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