10.17.2005 - Thanks to Ryan Ambrosio for the email and update on his US book signing tour, where he went to one of Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett's book signings last week at Cody's Books Berkeley. One of the highlights of his travel to California was giving Mr. Gaiman special presents.
Well namely a Calamansi juice, which became a sort of addiction to Mr. Gaiman when he was here in Manila last July. It was another rare moment captured in digital photo. Ryan sure had a great time with this coverage.
Ryan really gave Neil something to remember him by, and that's the english translated "Mga Kwento ni Lola Basyang" book. I wish I could be there too, but the signed copy of Anansi Boys would be just fine. He also had his copy of Thud signed by Mr. Prachett, who also had a reading and Q & A session.
Actually Ryan went to two seperate book signings last month from Cody's Books at Berkeley, where both writers promoted there works. Neil Gaiman had a book reading of Anansi Boys in a church how cool was that?!
Surprised Neil on calamansi concentrate
Neil hides the juice...
There will be more updates on Ryan's trip to the US and also regarding Neil Gaiman's book signing tour. For now here's hoping he doesn't forget my signed copy of Anansi Boys that I requested. Hehehe...

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