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03.06.2012 – The Philippine Internet Congress has grown in leap and bounds when it comes to promoting the great convergence in bringing internet marketing highlighting the latest trends that showcase new products in the market but also featuring certain personalities in the industry.

Discover the world of internet marketing as well as smart insights on the news, information, business security and the latest technology.

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There’s a list of interesting speakers who will be there to share their breakthrough ideas and experience that probably we can learn in starting our own business.

There are a few names that stand out in the list that I’m looking forward to see in the upcoming event happening on March 9-11, 2012 at SM Megamall’s Megatrade Hall in Mandaluyong City. This will be a big opportunity for those who want to start their own online business and getting to know more about social media.

The names that stand out on the list I’m looking forward to see is Jack Madrid Country Manager for the Philippines of Multiply.com who made a lot of buzz last year when they re-branded the social media site into one of the countries online market place. Mr. Madrid will be sharing his experience as well as his thoughts about putting an online business without spending thousands of pesos in 30 days or less.

The second speaker on the list I would like to learn from is Chino Rodriguez, Certified Ethical Hacker because these days you can’t be secured to be safe from hackers. There’s no such thing as a perfect online security and probably we’ll be expecting some pointers from Rodriguez on how to be vigilant and safe online.

There are great speakers lined up for the event happening this week and I just shared you only two people who would stand out for me in regard to putting out a business and being safe while being active in the social media.

The highlights of topics I’m looking forward to see in this year’s expo are Bringing Your Dream Business to Life and The Facebook Generation: The Impact of Social Media in Global Transformation which tackles not only on how to engage in communicating with people through social media platforms such as Twitter but also through blogging. There’s so many interesting topics lined up and certainly I won’t pass up the opportunity to learn more from this event.

This is a great summer offering for those would be young entrepreneurs who are looking to learn more about the Philippine Internet Congress. There’s a quick and easy way to register and all you need to do is go to the link HERE: http://powermaxph.com/2012/03/philippine-internet-congress-2/

When you open the page you can see at the top most right of your screen is a small phone icon where it’s labeled “register” and once you click the button it will take you to the register page.

All you need to do is fill up the form required. When you’re done completing the form hit “Send” just wait for confirmation regarding your inquiry for this year’s Philippine Internet Congress and Expo. You are already registered once you have filled up the form.

For those interested parties who want to reserve their seats you can get in touch with Kaye or Randolf by giving them a call at: 470-1055, 470-1057 or 0905-3364486 or you may visit www.internetcongressph.com or

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Unknown said...

This is very interesting...

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